Financial Management
Budget preparation and implementation.
Invoice and collect all assessments.
Aggressively pursue delinquent accounts.
Review, approve, and pay all expenses.
Provide the Board with monthly financial statements.
Establish and manage association accounts to maximize returns.
Coordinate filing of tax returns with accountant.
Property Management
Supervise all maintenance and repairs.
Prepare annual operating plan for maintenance and repairs.
Coordinate professional evaluations by architects, engineers, and building inspectors.
Hire and manage on-site staff if necessary.
Bid and negotiate service contracts.
Supervise all service contractors.
Biweekly inspections.
Provide additional management services if necessary.
Administrative Management
Attend and assist with the recording of the minutes of the regular association meetings.
Prepare a management report for these meetings.
Distribute materials for these meetings.
Meet with the Board members as necessary.
Enforce association rules and regulations.
Assist the Board with modifications to association documents.
Review insurance coverage and coordinate claims.
Provide additional management services if necessary during any litigation.
Regime and Association Management

Standards of Practice
We are available from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday excluding holidays.
We return all phone calls on the day received but no later than the next business day.
We return all emails on the day received but no later than the next business day.
Weekend or holiday calls or emails are returned on the next business day unless there is an emergency.
The Association Manager makes onsite inspections biweekly unless agreed to otherwise with the Board.
Association funds are maintained in separate accounts from any other funds and these accounts are reconciled monthly.
Reconciled monthly financial statements are reviewed by the Association Manager and distributed to the Board of Directors within 30 days of the end of the month.
All invoices are reviewed, approved, and coded for budget purposes by the Association Manager before processing.
Poston & Co. provides the technology to conduct Board and Annual Meetings virtually at no cost to the Association.
Board and Annual Meeting minutes are typically coordinated with the Secretary of the Association, reviewed by the Board of Directors and distributed to the Owners within 60 days of the meeting.
Poston & Co. provides each Association with a website and can maintain all recorded association documents and any other information approved by the Board on that website at no charge to the Association.
Zach Simons, our controller, is available to talk with the Board and assist them with any questions pertaining to the financial statements, the budget, or the financial condition of the association during normal business hours.
Our accounting department is available to talk with the Owners and answer any questions pertaining to their accounts during normal business hours.
John Poston is available to talk with the Board to discuss any issues during normal business hours.